WHO mobile clinics combat TB in Syria with Global Fund and IOM support

Jul 07, 2022

WHO mobile clinics combat TB in Syria with Global Fund and IOM support

WHO, the Global Fund and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have been working closely to address HIV and tuberculosis (TB) epidemics under the Middle East Response (MER) project. Through the MER 1 grant, WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health in Syria’s national TB programme with 3 mobile clinics in Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Deir-ez-Zor governorates, as Syria’s protracted crisis has severely affected the health system across the country. 

Each of the WHO-supported mobile clinics – with accompanying doctor, nurse, laboratory technician and driver – is equipped with an X-ray machine capable of sharing high-quality digital images through mobile networks for swift diagnosis. The mobile clinics also contain an electric generator to be deployed in remote areas with severe electricity shortages.  

