What misusing antibiotics is really costing us

Jun 21, 2023

What misusing antibiotics is really costing us

What is the research about?


Antibiotic resistance has been rising rapidly over the past few decades, largely fuelled by the misuse of antibiotics. In some cases, poor prescribing practices mean that people are overprescribed antibiotics, meaning that patients are given antibiotics when doctors aren't even sure what's causing their infection, whether the causative pathogen is a bacterium, or whether this treatment is the correct one to address the issue. Poor prescribing may overlap with other trends fuelling the misuse of antibiotics, as when antibiotics are sold over the counter, or when counterfeit versions of antibiotic drugs are sold in markets.

Antibiotic overuse drives bacteria to evolve further, potentially developing resistance. The food animal sector is rife with overuse too, as antibiotics are pumped into animal feed. Indeed, there is evidence that the misuse in people is affecting animals, and vice versa.