Battling Viral Hepatitis in Rohingya Camps amid mounting risk and resource crunch

Jun 19, 2024

Battling Viral Hepatitis in Rohingya Camps amid mounting risk and resource crunch

In the Cox’s Bazar camps that holds nearly a million Rohingyas, WHO is seeking to extend screening, testing and treatment for viral Hepatitis B and C, a significant health risk exacerbated by the living conditions and devoid of appropriate response due to shrinking humanitarian aid.

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C chronic infections can lead to serious consequences such as liver cirrhosis and cancer. The risk of transmission of these viruses during pregnancy, labour and delivery, from an infected mother to her infant, poses a grave threat to the health of infants if prevention and treatment is not provided.

Since the massive influx of Rohingyas in 2017, WHO and health partners have been supporting the Government of Bangladesh for establishing services to address the urgent health needs of this population.

