COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership Final Situation Report

Jun 30, 2023

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership Final Situation Report


Overview: Global Situation | High-priority groups | 92 Advance Market Commitment Countries | 34 countries for concerted support

Review of key achievements | COVID-19 vaccine delivery after CoVDP


On May 5th 2023, the WHO announced an end to COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) while cautioning that the virus is still circulating and causing illness and death.

Globally, primary series coverage has increased from 47% in January 2022 to 66% in May 2023. However, inequalities in global coverage persist. Only 27% of the general population of low-income countries (LICs) have completed their primary series compared to 76% in high-income countries (HICs).