Yemen: Child Protection - Area of Responsibility-Strategy 2022-2024

Nov 14, 2022

Yemen: Child Protection - Area of Responsibility-Strategy 2022-2024

The protracted war in Yemen that began in 2015 has had devastating effects on every aspect of Yemen society, crippling the economy, service delivery system and traditional coping mechanisms. Since the escalation, the economy has reduced sharply. Recent restrictions imposed on the country by the coalition has made movement of essential commodities more difficult and costlier. Civilian infrastructure, including schools, health facilities and markets have been subject to airstrikes or military occupation paralysing the country and leading to a man-made crisis of unprecedented scale.

Based on Humanitarian Project Cycle 2022, Yemen remains one of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis and aid operation. The crisis is the result of a brutal armed conflict that escalated more than seven years ago. It has killed and injured tens of thousands of civilians, causing immense suffering for the Yemeni people. By mid-2021, the conflict intensified, the number of frontlines increased from 49 to 51, and at least 286,700 people were displaced, bringing the number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) to at least 4.3 million. Making this the fourth largest IDP crises on the planet.