World Bank Group Ramps Up Fight Against Global Hunger

The World Bank
Jul 24, 2024

World Bank Group Ramps Up Fight Against Global Hunger

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 24, 2024 – The World Bank Group today unveiled a comprehensive package of initiatives to address urgent poverty and hunger, and enable vulnerable people to increase earnings, enhance resilience against climate shocks, and promote empowerment for women and girls.

The World Bank Group announced:

  • An ambitious plan to scale up social protection programs, working alongside partners to support at least 500 million people in developing countries by 2030—aiming for half of those to be women and girls. To reach this goal, we are utilizing innovative cash transfer systems that ensure those in need receive resources directly, while combatting corruption and waste;
  • The Bank Group will be the lead knowledge partner for the G20 Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, established by Brazil. This will generate hunger solutions and coordinate knowledge exchange alongside Brazil for the benefit of all countries;  
  • New diagnostics that will provide country-by-country insights on hunger, poverty, and social protection coverage so governments can make informed decisions.