WHO unveils framework for climate resilient and low carbon health systems

Nov 09, 2023

WHO unveils framework for climate resilient and low carbon health systems

Responding to rapidly changing climate, the World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled a new Operational framework for building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. Released in the lead up to the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate (COP-28), this comprehensive Framework is designed to enhance the resilience of health systems while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions to help safeguard the health of communities worldwide.

“Around the world, health systems are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, but they also contribute to it,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We therefore have a dual responsibility to build health systems that can withstand climate-related shocks, while at the same time reducing their carbon footprint. This framework gives countries a roadmap for doing just that.”