UNICEF Geneva Palais Briefing note on the impact of flooding in Somalia on children and families and UNICEF’s response

May 30, 2023

UNICEF Geneva Palais Briefing note on the impact of flooding in Somalia on children and families and UNICEF’s response

GENEVA/MOGADISHU, 30 May 2023 – “In September last year, I appeared here to brief you on the devastating impact that the drought in Somalia was having on children and families. Somalia had gone through five consecutive seasons of failed rains and was facing a sixth season.

“A declaration of famine, which was predicted last year, and would have been a confirmation of our worst fears for children, has thankfully been averted.

“However, and in a bitter yet perhaps unexpected irony, the arrival of the rains has brought misery for many children and families. Flooding this year has already displaced more than 400,000 people. Humanitarian partners now predict that should heavy rains continue in Somalia and in the Ethiopian highlands through the current Gu season, flash and riverine floods could affect up to 1.6 million people.