WHO and World Bank bolstered disease surveillance and response in South Sudan

Aug 30, 2022

WHO and World Bank bolstered disease surveillance and response in South Sudan

Over 200 healthcare workers have been trained with the aim to improve real-time detection and prompt response to disease outbreaks and other health emergencies.

With support from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health have trained healthcare workers on the use of Early Warning, Alert and Response System (EWARS) in over 20 counties in South Sudan to optimize its use to support surveillance, alert management, outbreak response, and laboratory data and management.
EWARS is a web-based system and designed to improve disease outbreak detection in emergency settings.

In 2017 the EWARS project was rollout to all the 80 Counties of South Sudan with the second phase of the rollout further decentralizing data collection and alert management down to the health facility level from 2019 to early 2020.

“With this training, I am able to identify and raise alerts in the system, verify alerts, investigate triggered alerts, and submit verification and/or investigation findings to the EWARS system successfully”, said Makuil Michael Magok Mayendit County Surveillance Officer, Unity State.