Vaccine Alliance outlines path to improve HPV vaccine market

Mar 08, 2024

Vaccine Alliance outlines path to improve HPV vaccine market

Geneva, 8 March 2024 – More adolescent girls across the world will be able to access the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, thanks to proactive efforts from the Vaccine Alliance and manufacturers, which have led to increasing supply. According to projections outlined in a new insight paper published by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, overall HPV vaccine supply is expected to increase, and demand could be met in 2025. However, careful planning will be needed in 2024. Developed in consultation with a range of key Alliance partners, the Gavi market shaping roadmap for HPV vaccines also showcases how partners, manufacturers and countries must work together to secure a sustainable pipeline of supply over the next decade.

“Lower-income countries have missed out on HPV vaccines for far too long. To ensure we reach our goal of protecting 86 million girls by 2025, it’s vital that our current supply of doses is managed carefully, and we have donor and manufacturer support to go further and protect more girls.” said Aurélia Nguyen, Chief Programme Officer at Gavi. “With an increase in the number of suppliers and the WHO SAGE one-dose recommendation, Gavi is urgently acting on these opportunities, collaborating with partners and countries to scale up access, while equally driving efforts to ensure there is a sustainable supply of HPV vaccines – now, and in the future.”