Pakistan achieves significant progress in healthcare infrastructure: Economic Survey

Pakistan achieves significant progress in healthcare infrastructure: Economic Survey

ISLAMABAD, Jun 11 (APP): Pakistan has made significant progress in promoting health and well-being by improving healthcare infrastructure and investing in preventive medicine during year 2023-24.

According to the Economic Survey 2023-24 released on Tuesday, by Federal Minister for Finance Muhammad Aurangzeb, Pakistan’s health indicators have shown modest improvement compared to previous years.

Mortality rates and life expectancy at birth indicate progress, and the immunization profile has also improved. Efforts have been made to reduce disparities, improve accessibility, and build resilience against emerging health challenges.

The government is committed to enhancing the health and nutrition of the population and is working towards achieving the SDGs 2030 targets. By addressing these issues through proactive measures and increased investment, the government aims to achieve these targets by 2030, the Economic Survey said.