Genome sequencing devices provided to Charles Nicolle Hospital and Institut Pasteur (Louzir)

Feb 28, 2023

Genome sequencing devices provided to Charles Nicolle Hospital and Institut Pasteur (Louzir)

Director of the Institut Pasteur Hechmi Louzir said Tuesday that genome sequencing devices have been provided to Charles Nicolle Hospital and the Institut Pasteur, as part of the "Med Net" project which started in 2020 in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Italian Embassy, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Italian Institute Teramo.

Louzir said during a scientific day held at the WHO office in Tunis on Tuesday, that training will be provided to doctors working in these two institutions for the use of this equipment, pointing out that the Med Net project, which started in 2020 in concomitance with the COVID-19 pandemic aims to strengthen the capacity of Tunisian doctors in genome sequencing.