Despite significant achievements in areas such as education over the last three decades, millions of adolescent girls across the world today are still out of school, ill-equipped for the future, facing gaps in life-saving health services, and at risk of harmful practices such as child marriage, female genital mutilation, violence and abuse.
A new report Girl Goals: What has changed for girls? Adolescent girls’ rights over 30 years – launched by UNICEF, Plan International and UN Women ahead of International Women’s Day – reviews how adolescent girls’ lives have changed in the last 30 years since the Beijing Platform for Action was endorsed by 189 governments in 1995.
Key facts from the report include:
Health and wellbeing:
The report lays bare the urgent need for global action to unlock the enormous potential of adolescent girls and puts forward the following recommendations:
Quote sheet:
“Adolescent girls are a powerful force for global change. With the right support at the right time, they can help deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals and reshape our world,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Investments in critical areas such as education, skills, protection and essential health and nutrition services can unlock the potential of adolescent girls across the world and lift-up communities and countries."
Kathleen Sherwin, Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer for Plan International, added: “Tireless efforts to combat gender inequality mean that a girl’s chances of going to school are significantly higher than three decades ago, and her chances of marrying or becoming pregnant as a child much lower. There is much to celebrate – but at the same time, this progress is fragile, uneven, and constantly under threat. Too many girls continue to face discrimination and abuse every day, simply for being young and female. Our work to achieve equality for girls must continue, working with girls, women and their allies around the world.”
“Too many adolescent girls still face violence, limited education, and lack of health services. Our promise of leaving no one behind demands urgent action,” said UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous. “We have come a long way, but we have miles to go before every girl’s potential is recognized and protected. Empowering all adolescent girls is the surest investment in a more sustainable, equitable, and peaceful world.”