WHO's CBS training to strengthen public health resilience

Tehran Times
Sep 21, 2024

WHO's CBS training to strengthen public health resilience

TEHRAN - The World Health Organization (WHO) in Iran has implemented a community-based surveillance (CBS) training program to systematically detect and report public health events and promote public health resilience.

The World Health Organization’s office in collaboration with the Iranian Centre for Communicable Disease Control, the Health Promotion Department, and the Health Managers Development Institute of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education conducted the training of trainers (ToT) to improve both Iranian and refugees’ health.

The training was held on  September 14. A total of 25 dedicated public health officers from the provinces of Sistan–Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Khorasan, Mazandaran, Gilan, Bushehr, and Kerman participated in the event, World Health Organization’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO EMRO) website announced in a press release on September 19.

The initiative, co-funded by the European Union, aims to build the capacities of health facilities, including outreach services, to better prepare and respond to public health emergencies and mitigate multi-hazards among refugee populations in the Islamic Republic of Iran.