Supporting the Education and Health of Young Mothers in Africa

Jun 27, 2024

Supporting the Education and Health of Young Mothers in Africa

Joint statement by Etleva Kadilli, UNICEF Regional Director, Eastern and Southern Africa, Nisha, UNESCO Regional Director for Southern Africa, and Alexandros K Makarigakis, UNESCO Regional Director for East Africa.

An estimated 282 million young people aged 10-24 will reside in Eastern and Southern Africa by 2050. The potential of this population could be transformational. Yet currently, only a quarter of these young people complete upper secondary school and a quarter of young women aged 20-24 give birth before their 18th birthday. There are about 21.6 million unintended pregnancies in this region every year.

The impacts of adolescent pregnancy are felt now, in decades to come and for future generations. Maternal conditions are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls 15-19 years old globally[1]. Infants born to adolescent mothers face higher rates of stillbirth.