IRC Case Study: Reducing Pharmaceutical Waste by Investing in Systems & SOPs

Logistics Cluster
Mar 22, 2025

IRC Case Study: Reducing Pharmaceutical Waste by Investing in Systems & SOPs

IRC’s Global Supply Chain & Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance (QA) department collaborates with IRC’s Global Health Unit & Pharma Advisors, to technically oversee and strengthen systems for products’ selection, quantification, Pre-qualification, procurement, reception, storage, and distribution of pharmaceuticals to the health facilities and clients. 

This case study presents the IRC journey since 2017 on establishing a Quality Management System, producing and training on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and data collection systems, to target missteps that can result in greater waste. 

As a result of this initiative, in the fiscal year 2022, 96% of IRC countries reporting that the cost of expired pharmaceutical stock was less than 2 percent of the total stock cost.