Sudan: Cholera outbreak Flash Update No. 2, As of 26 October 2023

Oct 26, 2023

Sudan: Cholera outbreak Flash Update No. 2, As of 26 October 2023


At least 1,618 suspected cases of cholera have been reported from 22 localities in Gedaref, South Kordofan, Khartoum and Aj Jazirah states as of 22 October, including 67 associated deaths.

• Sudan declared a cholera outbreak in Gedaref State on 26 September, and in Khartoum and South Kordofan states on 7 October.

• More than 3.1 million people are estimated to be at risk of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) and cholera in eight states between July and December 2023.

• Humanitarian agencies are scaling up the response to the outbreak, supporting the detection and treatment of cases. Surveillance is ongoing in affected and high-risk areas to identify and address risk factors.

