Speaking out for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Egypt

Jul 28, 2022

Speaking out for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Egypt

"The village is very conservative, so it was a challenge to earn their trust," said Salma Abdel Moneim, a reproductive health worker in Menufiyah, in northern Egypt.

Through a UNFPA-supported population awareness club, Ms. Moneim advises young people in her village about crucial yet sensitive issues that span female genital mutilation, child marriage, contraceptive choice and gender equality. Young members of the club are encouraged to talk openly about these often misunderstood issues, using education, music, interactive theatre, sports and art as platforms.

But Ms. Moneim explained that many members of her community initially found it difficult to trust reproductive health arguments they disagreed with, in particular the notion that female genital mutilation and sexual harassment are harmful and discriminatory.