South Sudan: Two Ebola Alerts in Nimule Test Negative

The Tower Post
Oct 05, 2022

South Sudan: Two Ebola Alerts in Nimule Test Negative

The South Sudanese Ministry of Health says the two samples of suspected Ebola cases taken out of the country for investigations have tested negative for the virus.

The samples were collected from Nimule in Eastern Equatoria and Yambio in Western Equatoria State after two patients presented Ebola signs and symptoms.

The tests were initially destined for Uganda lab, in accordance with a memorandum of understanding between the two countries.

But Uganda laboratory for virology had a backlog of samples to run the tests promptly, forcing the authorities to take them to South Africa.

Victoria Anib, the Undersecretary in the Ministry of Health said this morning that both samples tested negative for the virus.

“The samples tested negative. As we speak, there is no positive Ebola case in the country. Two samples were taken, and both tested negative,” said Dr. Anib.

“South Africa offered to do the test for us, so it was tested in South Africa and two of them came back negative which is very assuring for us.”