• The Gu (April to June) rains have started in most regions of Somalia with heavy rains in some areas, but no flash or riverine flooding has been reported yet. Up to 770,000 people could be affected by anticipated heavy rains and floods in 22 districts.
• Humanitarians have developed a plan to mitigate the anticipated impact of the Gu rains, but require urgent resources to ensure timely response. 51 boats are available to evacuate people and deliver assistance in priority locations.
• Evictions of displaced people is a major challenge in Somalia with more than 1.5 million displaced people forcibly evicted from their shelters in the last seven years; more than 207,850 people in 2023 mostly in Banadir region and 35,390 people since January.
• Somalia has received 1.4 million vials of oral vaccines in a stepped-up effort to stem the ongoing outbreak of AWD/cholera. The vaccines will be rolled out to five hotspot districts: Bossaso, Daynille, Mahaday, Buurhakaba and Balcad.
• Banadir hosts the highest caseload of displaced people per region in Somalia, with about 594,600 people living in Kahda and 653,000people in Daynille districts, but humanitarian reach is below the national average. of people reached with assistance.