Handover of a rehabilitated maternity hospital in Sana'a

Mar 23, 2022

Handover of a rehabilitated maternity hospital in Sana'a

Since December 2019, public health facilities in Yemen have been rebuilt, rehabilitated and equipped - in cooperation with UNOPS. On 09 March 2022, the first fully rehabilitated facility in the capital Sana'a was handed over to the hospital management.

In the eighth year of conflict, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains one of the worst in the world. Both the country's economy and public service provision have largely collapsed. Yemen's health sector is particularly affected. Currently, barely half of all health facilities in Yemen are functional and these are often in poor condition. In addition to the ongoing warfare in various parts of the country, a lack of basic equipment and regular power cuts are limiting factors for the operation of the facilities.

At the same time, infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, dengue fever and COVID-19 remain widespread. Among the population, the need for basic services as well as obstetric care is high