Pamir Residents in Badhakshan Report Health Service Shortages

Tolo News
Sep 07, 2024

Pamir Residents in Badhakshan Report Health Service Shortages

In Pamir residents mention that the local medical center has only one doctor and a few health workers.

Residents from Pamir in Badakshan report significant challenges, including shortages of medicine, doctors, and midwives.

In Pamir residents mention that the local medical center has only one doctor and a few health workers.

Haji Bhutto, a local resident, stated, "People are dying. If their illness isn’t treated here and they must go to Faizabad, it will cost them 200,000 Afghanis."

Another resident, Abdul Haq, added, “Our clinic has a good structure, but we face a shortage of doctors. We travel to Faizabad even for minor cases, spending 60,000 Afghani on transportation.”