Mubadala Health and assets glow blue to observe World Diabetes Day

Nov 13, 2022

Mubadala Health and assets glow blue to observe World Diabetes Day

    Mubadala Health and its assets will illuminate their iconic facades in blue for diabetes awareness on World Diabetes Day (November 14).

    Under the theme, “Education to Protect Tomorrow”, Mubadala Health and its portfolio of world-class partners will highlight the need for greater access to high-quality diabetes education for healthcare professionals, people living with diabetes and their loved ones, thereby prioritizing information around diabetes and chronic disease management.

    Mubadala Health’s partners provide access to ongoing education to help patients understand their condition in order to take charge of their health. Mubadala Health also invests in research and training, including training of the next generation of Emirati healthcare professionals to help halt the rise of the disease.