MSF begins medical activities in Derna after Storm Daniel

Sep 20, 2023

MSF begins medical activities in Derna after Storm Daniel

As Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Libya begin medical activities in the cities of Derna and Susah one week after the devastation of Storm Daniel, Manoelle Carton, MSF medical coordinator in Libya, describes the situation on the ground and our planned response.

What is the situation in Derna one week after Storm Daniel?

“In Derna, the situation is now quieter compared to the chaotic situation we found a few days ago, in the first days following the storm. There are now far fewer cars and people in the streets, maybe some volunteers have already left the city, and the families who were still seeking survivors have given up.

The chaos of all the aid organisations and volunteers has decreased a lot. Now it feels more like the quiet after the storm. Small things in the city are coming back. You see more small shops open and the city is changing, and I'm sure it will continue to change.”