Youth-led campaigns: fresh ways of communicating about public health issues

Aug 11, 2023

Youth-led campaigns: fresh ways of communicating about public health issues

Public health campaigns can be dry and hard to understand. Covering complex issues and evidence, and packaging it for a broad audience, they must often strike a near impossible balance of being catchy and informative at the same time.

As in so many other cases, young people lead the way forward. Many youth organizations use their social media channels to inform their peers about health topics, often developing innovative ideas. Using podcasts, social media challenges or short videos, they make public health issues accessible and often fun, as these examples show:

In the run up to World Blood Donor Day 2023, members of the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation across Europe challenged their friends to donate blood, post a selfie of it with a special social media filter, and tag their friends. By doing so, the students demonstrated simple actions one can take to increase awareness and call for more life-saving blood donations in the Region.