Yemen’s Unsung Heroes: How Mobile Medical Teams Are Saving Lives Amidst Conflict

Apr 11, 2024

Yemen’s Unsung Heroes: How Mobile Medical Teams Are Saving Lives Amidst Conflict

Ma’rib, Yemen – Adnan’s face lights up as soon as he spots the medical bus pulling up near his migrant settlement. He has been struggling with a fever for weeks now and is desperate for some relief. He hopes today he will find the answer he has been searching for.

Several times a week, health-care professionals working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) set up near Adnan’s settlement in Ma’rib for three to six hours. Here, both internally displaced people and migrants like Adnan can access vital medical assistance.

“It’s sad to see such a large number of people, who are already struggling with being far from home, also facing serious health issues,” explains Doctor Abdulrahman Alqitewy, who works with IOM’s mobile medical team (MMT) in Ma’rib. “We provide medical care to migrants for various illnesses and injuries, but we often see migrants seeking help for severe wounds from stabbings or even gunshot wounds.”

