Whole of Syria Cholera Outbreak Situation Report no.7 Issued 14 November 2022

Nov 15, 2022

Whole of Syria Cholera Outbreak Situation Report no.7 Issued 14 November 2022

Epidemiological Overview

Since the last situation report, the number of confirmed and suspected cases has risen. Suspected cholera cases/acute watery diarrhea (AWD) cases have been reported from all 14 governorates.

Between 25th August and 5th November, 35,569 suspected cases have been reported, including 92 attributed deaths to date at a case fatality rate of 0.3%.

Of the 2,729 samples tested with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), 1,491 have tested positive. To date, 1,524 stool samples have been cultured, of which 511 have tested positive for Vibrio Cholera. The overall proportion of RDT-positive cases is 54.6%.

86 suspected cases and zero deaths have been reported from IDP camps in Northeast Syria (NES) and rural Aleppo, while in Northwest Syria (NWS), 2035 suspected cases (out of 7934 suspected cases) and 2 deaths (out of 7) were reported from IDP camps.

