WHO launches groundbreaking air pollution training for health workers on International Day of Clean Air

Sep 05, 2023

WHO launches groundbreaking air pollution training for health workers on International Day of Clean Air

• Most health professionals’ training curricula do not sufficiently address the health impacts of air pollution.

• Only 11% of medical schools worldwide include air pollution as a risk factor for health as part of formal education, according to a report from the International Association of Medical Students’ Associations.

• Existing training programs lack emphasis on the most susceptible population groups.

• The first WHO online course on air pollution and health for health workers will be launched at the margins of this year’s International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. 

• Health workers have an important role to play in the battle for clean air. 

A groundbreaking health workers’ training

In a landmark collaboration with over 30 international experts, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed the first Air Pollution and Health Training toolkit (APHT), specifically tailored for health workers to be unveiled at the end of 2023. The toolkit includes downloadable training modules accompanied by a manual using a train-the-trainers approach to inform and empower health care professionals. In anticipation of the toolkit’s launch, an instrumental step is being taken to equip health care professionals for the challenges ahead by launching the user-friendly OpenWHO online training program, to coincide with this year's International Day for Clean Air for blue skies. This strategic move reflects a commitment to addressing air pollution concerns and fostering healthier conditions for all.