WHO and Italy forge partnership to prevent and control arboviral and zoonotic diseases in Libya

Oct 31, 2023

WHO and Italy forge partnership to prevent and control arboviral and zoonotic diseases in Libya

31 October 2023, Tripoli, Libya – WHO and the Italian Embassy in Libya have signed a “One Health” (1) agreement on the prevention and control of arboviral and zoonotic diseases in Libya, in cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of Health and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

Under this agreement, experts from WHO, the Ministry of Health, and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome will join forces to strengthen One Health in Libya. To strengthen Libya’s response to zoonotic infections, WHO will support efforts to improve disease surveillance and detection, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and upgrade the capacity of central and peripheral laboratories to diagnose zoonotic diseases.

