Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: 15 March 2023

Mar 17, 2023

Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: 15 March 2023


The cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region continues to evolve, with 13 countries currently reporting cases. Overall, cholera case incidence and deaths in the region have continued to decline in the past six weeks. However, five countries (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania) observed an uptick in cases during the reporting week. In week 10 (6 to 13 March 2023), a total of 4110 suspected cholera cases were reported from 11 countries, reflecting a 15% decrease compared to 4382 cases recorded in week 9. Similarly, deaths decreased from 70 in week 9 to 64 in week 10, a modest decline of 8.7%.