Unveiling the mental health crisis at Al-Hol Camp in northeast Syria

Jan 19, 2024

Unveiling the mental health crisis at Al-Hol Camp in northeast Syria




It’s mid-morning, and the relentless rain mirrors the sombre conditions that envelop the lives of over 40,000 people who live within the sprawling open-air confinement of Al-Hol camp in northeast Syria. The sea of tents stretches as far as the eye can see, each housing a story of displacement, hardship, and the struggle for survival.

The women, men and children detained at Al-Hol camp grapple with numerous challenges, including limited access to water, inadequate sanitation facilities, and a healthcare system inhibited by restrictive security practices.

The makeshift tents, battered by the relentless rains during winter and burning sunshine during summer, serve as the only barrier between inhabitants and the elements, highlighting the desperate need for improved living conditions and better services.

