UNICEF Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Report No.12 for 30 November 2022

Dec 18, 2022

UNICEF Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Report No.12 for 30 November 2022


  • UNICEF’s winter response is ongoing with the continued prepositioning of lifesaving supplies for health facilities including 34,000 newborn baby kits and heating materials.

  • The restrictions on women by the de facto authorities continue to increase, including restrictions on women’s movement and access to public spaces, including parks, which is having detrimental impact on women and children’s safety and well-being.

  • Despite the challenging education environment, UNICEF supported 522,524 children (57 per cent girls) with education opportunities through 14,981 community-based education (CBE) classes.

  • The UNICEF supported mobile health and nutrition teams were able to reach over 180,000 people in remote areas in November including over 75,000 under-five children.

