The fight against sepsis: Are we doing enough??

Health World
Sep 13, 2022

The fight against sepsis: Are we doing enough??

Key to reducing mortality in all the infections is accurate and fast diagnosis. This becomes extremely critical in case of sepsis. Whilst the diagnostic criteria for sepsis is now clear, the diagnosis of infection remains a challenge and there is often discordance between clinician assessments for infection.

During the course of the pandemic, the total reported deaths due to COVID 19 is about 6 million. In contrast, during the same time, deaths due to other infections around the world were much higher. Tuberculosis (TB) alone is likely to have caused at least 2 million deaths. Deaths due to sepsis is estimated at about 4 million, deaths due to malaria and other protozoal infections is estimated to have been in excess of 3 million. Fungal infections have accounted for 1-1.5 million deaths. The point is, while COVID 19 captured the global attention due to its speed of transmission in the ever fluid global population, it has been clear to healthcare experts for over a decade that infectious diseases (IDs) are probably one the greatest cause of mortality and morbidity globally.

