The climate crisis is also a health crisis - Bangladesh

Dhaka tribune
Jan 21, 2024

The climate crisis is also a health crisis - Bangladesh

We have always known that the climate crisis, triggered by the early development of Western powers and perpetuated by the violent industrialization of a handful of nations in the present, has not only resulted in the stunted growth of developing economies like Bangladesh but also puts our people in danger by virtue of the low-lying nature of our geography.

However, according to a new research -- as reported by The Guardian -- we can add another potential risk being facilitated by climate change: Cancer. According to new research, tens of millions of Bangladeshis will be at heightened risk of cancer from contaminated well water due to the climate crisis. This is because long-term exposure to arsenic, which leads to the deposition of the toxic substance in the lungs and other organs, ultimately contributes to cancer.

