The 3rdAfrican Hepatitis Summit: “Putting Africa on Track towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination

Africa CDC
Dec 20, 2023

The 3rdAfrican Hepatitis Summit: “Putting Africa on Track towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination

Viral hepatitis remains a pressing concern, causing over 125,000 deaths annually in Africa alone, despite the existence of effective treatments and Hepatitis B vaccine. It is alarming that in Africa, over 70% of people living with viral hepatitis are unaware of their status and more than 90% lack necessary care. To address this, the World Hepatitis Alliance in collaboration with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and other dedicated partners, organized the 3rd African Hepatitis Summit 2023 hosted by the Federal Government of Nigeria in Abuja from 24th to 26th October, 2023. The summit aimed to secure commitment from government leaders, the private sector, and civil society. Operating the theme ‘Putting Africa on Track towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination’, the summit explored local financing opportunities, comprehensive strategies for hepatitis B and C elimination, and progress made towards implementation of the African Union Cairo Declaration on Viral Hepatitis.


