Sudan Crisis: Information Landscape (19 January 2024)

Jan 19, 2024

Sudan Crisis: Information Landscape (19 January 2024)

Key Findings • Main drivers and barriers to data collection and availability: Restrictions in humanitarian access are the primary barrier to data collection in Sudan. Violence, bureaucratic hurdles, logistical, and communication challenges force humanitarian partners to mostly depend on less reliable remote data collection methods. The challenges that government agencies face when engaging in data collection efforts due to political volatility and limited operational presence, along with constrained funding and economic instability, further detract from the country's information landscape. Additionally, the accuracy and reliability of data are compromised by the safety concerns of assessed populations, leading often to the withholding of information. • Limited quantitative and granular data: The data landscape that informed Sudan’s Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) 2024 starkly contrasts with previous exercises, which utilized a comprehensive Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) covering over twenty thousand households. This year, the absence of such large-scale household assessments has forced the 2024 HNRP to rely on alternative sources, which tend to offer more qualitative than quantitative insights, leading to a gap in granular, quantified data. Current data collection efforts across various sectors, while extensive, lack the numerical specificity and severity scales that MSNA provided.

