Sudan: Cholera outbreak Flash Update No. 5, As of 24 December 2023

Dec 24, 2023

Sudan: Cholera outbreak Flash Update No. 5, As of 24 December 2023


• At least 8,267 suspected cholera cases, including 224 associated deaths, have been reported.
Sudan declared a cholera outbreak in Gedaref on 26 September.

• Cholera has spread to 46 localities in nine states as of 23 December 2023.

• Humanitarian agencies are scaling up the response to the outbreak, supporting the detection and treatment of cases. They also address water, sanitation and hygiene issues, water quality monitoring and chlorination, risk communication, and community engagement.

• Surveillance is ongoing to identify and address risk factors in affected and high-risk areas.

• Over 2.2 million people (98 per cent of the target) were vaccinated against cholera in high-risk localities in Gedaref and Aj Jazirah.

• A planned oral cholera vaccination campaign targets 5.5 million people living in 14 localities reporting cholera cases in Aj Jazirah, Red Sea,
Kassala, White Nile, Sennar, and Blue Nile states.

