Saudi Arabia confirms success of haj health plans, absence of any outbreaks

1 Day ago

Saudi Arabia confirms success of haj health plans, absence of any outbreaks

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Health, Fahad Al-Jalajel, said there were no outbreaks or threats to public health during this year's haj season, reflecting the success of the health plans drawn up by the ministry.

"I am pleased to announce the success of this year's Hajj health plans and the absence of any outbreaks or threats to public health, witnessing the return of this seasons' pilgrim numbers to what they were before the pandemic," Al Jalajel said in a statement.

The health minister extended his thanks to the Supreme Haj Committee, headed by Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif, Minister of Interior, in overcoming all health challenges, as well as to the Ministry of Interior for its effective contribution in implementing the health plans.

