Restrictions and violence block Palestinians in Hebron from medical care

Aug 06, 2024

Restrictions and violence block Palestinians in Hebron from medical care

Hebron, Palestine – Physical injuries, mental trauma and restricted access to medical care are an everyday reality for many Palestinians living in and around the West Bank city of Hebron, Palestine, warns Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a new report published today. In Occupied lives: the risk of forcible transfer of Palestinians in Hebron, MSF details the rapidly deteriorating access to medical care for Palestinians in Hebron, because of restrictions imposed by Israeli forces and violence perpetrated by Israeli soldiers and settlers.

“The movement restrictions and the harassment and violence by Israeli forces and settlers is inflicting immense and unnecessary suffering on Palestinians in Hebron,” says Frederieke van Dongen, MSF humanitarian affairs manager. “This is having a disastrous impact on people’s mental and physical health.”

