Polio Vaccination Campaign Begins in 5 Provinces in Afghanistan

Tolo News
Aug 28, 2023

Polio Vaccination Campaign Begins in 5 Provinces in Afghanistan

A polio vaccination campaign began on Monday in five of the northern provinces of Afghanistan following a nationwide campaign that was kicked off by the Public Health Ministry in cooperation with the World Health Organization.

The provinces are Balkh, Jawzjan, Samangan, Sar-e-Pul and Faryab.

The polio campaign in 28 other provinces of the country began last week.

“The reason for the delay is that there should be a distance of two weeks between one campaign and another campaign,” said Nik Wali Shah Momin, head of the Polio Free Afghanistan.

However, the polio vaccination campaign in Uruzgan is expected to be held next week.

“We call on them to increase these campaigns in those areas where vaccinations have not been implemented over the past year, " said Samiullah, a resident of Uruzgan.

