Parents of diabetic children complain of school enrollment issues

Jordan News
Sep 13, 2022

Parents of diabetic children complain of school enrollment issues

AMMAN — With the beginning of each academic year, the suffering of students with diabetes is renewed when their families enroll them in certain schools that they accuse of failing to take measures to deal with these children.

Parents of diabetic students, members of the Diabetic Children’s Mothers Association, complain that school cadres are not trained to deal with students with diabetes.

Those interviewed by Jordan News say that their children are discriminated against by not being able to enroll in any school, and that schools are not sufficiently informed about the basic needs of these students.

Lina Al-Sbeih, association spokesperson, said that “at the beginning of each academic year, parents make the same complaint”, stressing that the problem is not new, and every year “parents suffer from school principals’ refusal to accept their children on grounds that they need special care”.

Sbeih said that one of the officials at the Ministry of Education had pledged to follow up on the matter four years ago, “promising to take appropriate measures in this regard to alleviate the suffering of the students’ families, but no real steps were taken in this regard”.