Occupied Palestinian territory: Health Cluster Bulletin (1 April - 30 June 2022)

Aug 04, 2022

Occupied Palestinian territory: Health Cluster Bulletin (1 April - 30 June 2022)


  • In the second quarter there were a total of 12,650 new confirmed cases bringing the total number of confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic to 659,853.

  • Two million people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • Partners supported the capacity building of 1,600 health workers on various health issues.

  • 19,000 people in Area C benefitted from mobile clinic services.

  • A total of 6,600 patients benefited from limb reconstruction, elective surgery, and rehabilitation services.

  • Around 51,000 people benefited from mental health psychosocial support (MHPSS) services.

  • Medical supplies enough to cover 166,000 people with various medical needs were provided by partners.