MoPH, partners raise awareness to increase breastfeeding rates

The Peninsula
Aug 01, 2022

MoPH, partners raise awareness to increase breastfeeding rates

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), in cooperation with Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation and Sidra Medicine, will mark World Breastfeeding Week, from August 1 to 7, under the slogan, ‘Step up for breastfeeding — educate and support.’ 

The event comes within the framework of the Ministry’s efforts to implement ‘Healthy Children and Adolescents’ plans to increase breastfeeding rates.

The celebration aims to educate community members about the importance of their support for breastfeeding, encourage mothers to make the decision to breastfeed as a smart choice for the health of the child, and focus on the importance of introducing complementary foods at the age of six months, while continuing breastfeeding, in addition to focus on the side effects of formula milk.