Key health sector Syria achievements, January - July 2022

Aug 21, 2022

Key health sector Syria achievements, January - July 2022

• Health sector needs and strategy under HNO 2022 and HRP 2022-2023 developed under WoS approach.
• 18 health sector organizations (20 projects) participated in HRP projects with health sector projects. 1 project sheet on “health sector coordination” submitted.
• 100% bi-weekly (14) national health sector coordination meetings conducted in Damascus.
• 100% monthly (28) sub-national health sector coordination meetings (Lattakia/Tartous; Aleppo/NWS; Qamishli/NES; Homs/Hama/Idleb; Deir-ez-Zoir). South remains being covered out of Damascus.
• 6 sub-sector working groups activated: RH, MHPSS, RCCE, Trauma/Disability, IM, Reconstruction/Rehabilitation.
• 2 quarterly schedule of health sector coordination meetings (1 national, 7 sub-national, 6 sub-sector WG) prepared.
• 2 quarterly health sector Syria contact lists updates prepared.

