Jordan, partners celebrate WHO’s 75th anniversary

The Jordan Times
Jul 26, 2023

Jordan, partners celebrate WHO’s 75th anniversary

AMMAN — Under the patronage of HRH Princess Muna, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday celebrated its 75th anniversary at an event in Jordan which brought together high-level attendees from the Royal family, government officials, United Nations staff, development partners, ambassadors and key health stakeholders. 

In 1948, the international community founded the WHO with a mission to promote health worldwide and ensure that the most vulnerable can attain the highest level of health and well-being.   

WHO’s 75th anniversary is an opportunity to look back at the public health successes that have improved the quality of life over the last seven decades. It is also an opportunity to inspire action to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow, said a statement from the UN agency.