Japan Seeks Cooperation with Morocco For Resilient, Prosperous Africa

Morocco World News
Aug 19, 2022

Japan Seeks Cooperation with Morocco For Resilient, Prosperous Africa

Rabat - Known for its economic and political influence across Africa, Morocco is considered a “very important country” for Japan in the North African region, says Ryuichi Kato, vice president of Japan Investment Development Agency (JICA).

Describing Morocco as a “hub country,” Kato noted on Thursday in a press briefing for the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8), that JICA is employing previously acquired “assets” and lessons from the agency’s cooperation projects in Morocco to advance numerous sectors across the continent. 

Giving the example of JICA-led initiatives in Morocco in the port and fisheries industries, Kato said that the Japanese agency is trying to adopt similar approaches used in Morocco in projects in West Africa. 

“Together with Morocco, we will be able to create [added] values [in Africa],” Kato said, adding that he is “looking forward to more cooperation” with the North African country. 

Morocco’s political and economic influence on the continent appears to be key to Japan’s vision for a “resilient, inclusive, and prosperous Africa” which is embedded in the mission statement of the TICAD.

