South Sudan - Cholera outbreak Upper Nile, DREF Final Report

Feb 19, 2024

South Sudan - Cholera outbreak Upper Nile, DREF Final Report

What happened, where and when?

On 07 March, the Government declared the outbreak in Malakal, in the Upper Nile province after one case was confirmed. The Malakal cholera situational update of 11 March 2023 reported an increase of cases of 48% since the declaration of the outbreak by the Government. Indeed, with 265 cases recorded on 11 March, the cases continued to go upward, with some worrying figures on the group affected, including children under 4 being the majority of the cases (around 91% all along the week). Cases reported in Protection of civilian sites (POC) was a high concern and elevated risk for the displaced communities and in the county in general with the significant movement.

