High-Level Emergency Ministerial Meeting on Cholera Epidemics and Climate-Related Public Health Emergencies

Africa CDC
Mar 10, 2023

High-Level Emergency Ministerial Meeting on Cholera Epidemics and Climate-Related Public Health Emergencies

The Ministers of Health and Ministers of Water and Sanitation, as well as their senior technical experts from 12 African Union Member States, attended the High-Level Emergency Ministerial meeting on Cholera Epidemics and Climate-Related Public Health Emergencies in Lilongwe, Malawi from 9th – 10th March 2023. The Ministers agreed on joint collaborative measures to combat the spread of cholera and ensure country preparedness and readiness for climate-change-related health emergencies.

Welcoming the delegates and officially opening the meeting, Vice President of Malawi, Rt Hon Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, said that “it is widely said that “Diseases and Public Health Emergencies know no borders. Our convergence on Lilongwe today attests to the realization that we can only triumph if we work together as partners beyond our borders.”

