Healthcare Waste Baseline

UNDP Lebanon
Jul 21, 2024

Healthcare Waste Baseline

The Healthcare Waste Baseline Report for Lebanon provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of healthcare waste management in the country. It covers the types and origins of healthcare waste, highlighting the significant contributions from hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.

The report underscores the challenges of managing various waste streams, including infectious, cytotoxic, pharmaceutical, chemical, and radioactive waste. It details the methodologies used for data collection, analysis, and mapping, emphasizing the integration of quantitative and qualitative research. The report also reviews the legal and regulatory frameworks, identifying gaps and suggesting improvements for better governance. Stakeholder mapping and service zoning are explored to ensure effective coordination and implementation of waste management practices. Additionally, the report addresses financial schemes, cost recovery, and the economic impacts on healthcare facilities. The findings reveal critical deficiencies in infrastructure, legal enforcement, and educational initiatives, calling for strategic interventions to enhance the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of healthcare waste management in Lebanon.

