Healthcare on wheels

Aug 19, 2024

Healthcare on wheels

In Afghanistan, UNICEF mobile health and nutrition teams bring life-saving services to children and women in some of the most distant communities

“My job is to screen children for signs of malnutrition. Sometimes all is well, but on a bad day, there may be three cases of severe acute malnutrition in the same family.”

Shukria, a Nutrition Nurse, travels to some of the farthest flung communities in Afghanistan with a UNICEF-supported mobile health and nutrition team. This team is one of the only ways some people can access healthcare, as many communities are located far from static health facilities.

In Afghanistan, 85 per cent of children do not receive the variety and quantity of foods they need for healthy growth and development. This leaves them vulnerable to micronutrient deficiencies and chronic malnutrition which can stunt children's growth.

That is why roving nurses like Shukria are so important to reach remote communities with the health and nutrition services they need.